I recently download Ben 10 Slammers to play and beforehand I had very little room on my IPad. I have only 248 MB left so I decided to delete some other games I did not play for a while. After the deleting, I had 2 GB of room. I downloaded Ben 10 Slammers and another game called Adventure Time Car Wars. I had played Ben 10 Slammers about 7 months ago, and I loved it, but I deleted it for one reason:freezing. When I was in the middle of a battle, the card I was usi would just freeze in the midst of its moving. I was forced to quit my match, and restart it. I downloaded Ben 10 Slammers again and started playing. when I versed Pax and Ester the game would freeze. I did not delete the app but would like to know how to stop theses freezes. If you can , please fix the freezing. It is not my IPad which has a freezing problem because it still has 1.75 GB worth of room left and never freezes on other games. I would like to see this problem removed, but you can take your time. I still play the game and it freezes,mouth I cope with it. please get this problem remove Do! I then tried to keep playing. I got through about 2 battles and was versing the final opponent in the undertown cup. He had 1 creature left and it had 6 HP and I had 1 creature left with 24. I used an omnitrix switch up and then it froze in the middle of its game! I was using Bloxx and had 2 bars of energy left, so I could use my catapult move and do 12 damage to end his creature! I WOULD HAVE WON! So far I have had 3 freezes out of the 12 games I have played! I was playing on campaign mode in single player and this means that 1/4 of my battles freezes! Get this problem fixed!
Ninjanafi about Ben 10 Slammers – Galactic Alien Collectible Card Battle Game